Frequently Asked Questions

Is Freedom Voting the same thing as Ranked Choice (Instant Runoff) voting?

No. Freedom Voting allows voters to vote for all the candidates as they like per office with each vote carrying the same weight. There is NO ranking involved, NO complicated tabulations, and NO combined primaries with Freedom Voting. The candidate with the most votes wins, the same as today. Unlike RCV, results are quick and easy to understand with Freedom Voting.

Where else has Freedom Voting been used?

Freedom Voting has been used to elect the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Pope, in the American Mathematical Society and American Statistical Association, Texas Libertarian and Green parties, Greece's national elections, and Fargo, ND municipal elections.

Wouldn’t candidates just tell their supporters to only vote for them and not select multiple candidates?

When given the chance to vote for more than one candidate, the overwhelming majority of voters do. Voters vote their conscience. Additionally, it’s not necessarily advantageous for a candidate to depend only on a small faction of voters for victory. Your opponent will be reaching out to many voters, asking for one of their votes, you should too.